The Gathering is Friday 6 August
to Sunday
15 August, 2004
Faerie Space Is Safe Space
Faerie Space
Is Healing Space
Faerie Space Is Growing Space…
It is a place to take risks, to open yourself, to take off the
masks you wear out in the world, to find the edges in your life and
fiercely look at them and feel about them, to tell someone your horrible,
awful truths, to get naked: physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally,
and be surrounded by those who are doing the same — all of which
can be liberating, and therefore healing.
It is a place to let your self play dress-up, to sing & dance,
to color & paint, just like when you were a kid, OR, like you WISHED
you could when you were a kid and weren’t allowed. It is a land
of “both/and” rather than “either/or”, a land
of paradox: butch men in frilly dresses, nellie queens chopping wood,
stoics who pour their hearts out, hopeless romantics who silently meditate,
they all co-exist here.
It is a place to share your stories, talents, skills and wisdom,
free from limitations or unasked for judgment.
Faerie Space is a place to shed your shame, to nurture self-esteem,
to take your own power, to let your fae-self “out of the box/closet/walls” and
shine forth in all it’s glory!
it’s majikal — not mysterious
You are a being of talent, energy, vision, and that peculiar fashion
sense — unfolding into authentic joy and deep connection with
self and others. You follow where your heart guides you. Kawashaway
is a place where you can leave your stressful job, unemployment, body
shame, matching clothes, and former boy/girlfriend.
There you can find the company of other fab fae spirits, undertake
the transformation you envision, and play, Play, PLAY! This is your
time to find the divinity within and let it shine. We gather together
to manifest magic, but there’s no mystery about how we create
it. The Gathering happens for everyone, and with the help of everyone.
YOUR initiative and YOUR help make the Gathering happen.
an event of events
While there is no master plan or schedule for the Gathering, there
is no shortage of planned activities — planned in advance or
simply in the moment. There are workshops and heart circles, the auction
(remember your treasures, gifts and talents) and Betsy’s Quilt
Raffle, rituals of hunger and celebration, the No Talent Show, the
Blue Party and drumming and dancing nightly, around the fire.
Events at the Gathering may explore trips to the Temperance River
, the mysteries of healing mischief or holy pranks, horny compassion
or blasphemous reverence, crazy wisdom and outrageous love. Come kick
your own ass, wash your own brain!
first among divas
While there is no shortage of divas at Kawashaway, first among
them is our Lady of the Larder — the Pantry Diva. The Pantry
Diva is responsible for keeping track of food needs and food use — making
sure that we have all the foodstuffs we need when we need them.
being a mom — army boots not required
So your mother wears army boots. Well, okay, maybe not your mother.
But at Kawashaway, our Moms — those who volunteer to lead a kitchen
crew in preparing a meal — may wear army boots while tending
the stove or barking orders (sweetly) to their assistants.
do not fail to bring
a rainproof tent; sleeping bag or bedding; willingness to chip
in and help; flashlight and extra batteries; fabulousness; rain gear,
including waterproof boots or shoes; warm clothes; extra socks; love;
mosquito repellent; ideas and materials for fun things to do.
you might consider bringing…
A shiny outfit for glitter night; drums and other acoustical instruments;
that blue number you’ve saving for the Blue Party; possible props
for the No Talent Show, ideas for workshops…
girl, you’re crazy if…
- You assume that you have no power — the Gathering is what
you make it.
- You keep food in your tent (bears don’t know how to use
- You don’t come because of money (no one is turned away
for lack of funds).
- You stay away because your medications need to be refrigerated
(they’ll be okay).
- You are not careful on the driveway in a low-slung car.
what’s for dinner
There will be plenty of wholesome foodstuffs available. Food is
covered by the registration fees you pay. Everyone will pitch in to
help prepare vegetarian meals and to clean up in order to keep the
kitchen gods happy. Feel free to supplement your diet in any way you
need, however refrigeration is extremely limited. (Priority is given
to medications and perishable food purchased by and for the community.)
how do i get there?
When we receive your registration form, we will send you a welcome
packet which will include a map and directions to the Sanctuary.
please, please pre-register
You must, dear, simply MUST pre-register (using the registration
sheet enclosed). Your early registration helps oodles in our planning
and helps us to make sure we have enough food and space for everyone.
The suggested pre-registration fee is $25 plus $12 per day for each
full day that you will attend. (Registration at the Gathering is $50
plus $12 per day.) If you are unable to pay the full amount, please
pay what you can. If you cannot pay now, send in your registration
form anyway so we can count you. No one will be turned away due to
an inability to pay. If you have questions or special needs, please
ring Two Bears at (612) 327-3096.
the fine print
Tents are the thing. There is very little indoor sleeping space,
which is made available on the basis of need. If you require special
accommodations, please contact Two Bears at (612) 327-3096.
Parking is limited (as are petroleum and oxygen), so carpooling
is encouraged. If you need a ride or would like to offer a ride, please
check the appropriate box on your registration form.
heart circles
Are an integral part of gatherings. This is a time when faes gather
to create sacred space in which our hearts may open — allowing
the feelings, thoughts, revelations, meditations, concerns and cares
to flow forth freely — one person at a time. And remember, you
are the one that can call a heart circle whenever you feel the need.
Are honoring the sacred aspects of life are to be expected and
encouraged at Kawashaway. Come prepared to create your own rituals
for yourself and others. This is a time to celebrate the spiritual
side of your being and so, bring the tools and ideas that will create
that special celebration. A long-standing tradition of Kawashaway is
to have a ritual opening and closing for the annual Gathering.
timely advice
Many find the carrying and observance of time pieces to be disruptive
to their experience of the rhythm of the land, earth and air. Watches
and clocks are not forbidden, but many among us discourage their use
at Kawashaway. Simply put, if you must announce the time, please do
so in French.
Faerie Space Is Risky Space…
it is a place to take risks, to open yourself, to take off the
masks you wear out in the world, to find the edges in your life and
fiercely look at them and feel about them, to tell someone your horrible,
awful truths, to get naked: physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally,
and be surrounded by those who are doing the same — all of which
can be frightening, and therefore dangerous.
Kawashaway is a place where the physical plane and the spiritual
plane overlap, and many faeries have been visited by spirits here.
This is a place of change and transformation, a place where your closely
held illusions may be challenged, a place where you can risk being
your most authentic self.
It is a land of “both/and” rather than “either/or”,
a land of paradox: joys & sorrows, anguish & comfort, fear & courage,
sublime & ridiculous, they all co-exist here. It is a place to
try new things, not knowing whether there will be success or failure,
to be afraid — and to do it anyway.
radical faeries — who we are
Defining faeries, someone said, is like trying to bottle fog (but
we’ll try anyway). Faeries are outside the twin strait jackets
of gender roles and consumerism. We make a conscious choice to come
together in community, retreat, heart circle.
We join together in mutual aid and love for play, work, self-discovery,
and nurturing. We are urban and rural dwellers, artists, political
activists, drag queens, writers and poets, witches and workers, cooks,
carpenters, and geeks. As a people we have necessary and unique contributions
to make, ones that we must make to regain the lost balance of the larger
human community on the planet. Being radically (i.e., at the root)
decentralist and anti-authoritarian, we believe we are all called to
yoohoo! the northwoods band of faeries is calling you!
Whether you are coming for the first time or returning, the Northwoods
calls your name. Our band once again makes its rendezvous with play
and ritual, work and love, heart and soul, sweetness and laziness,
bliss and transformation, sexuality and spirituality, rock and water,
earth and sky.
All faerie spirits (who may identify as bi, butch, dyke, fag, femme,
fruit, gay, homo, nellie, lesbian, intersexed, nancy, queen, hermaphrodite,
queer, straight, transgender or transvestite) are welcome regardless
of gender, age, or sexual orientation. In a spirit of respect for the
peace and sanctity of individuals, no pets are allowed at Kawashaway
during the Gathering and a chemical-free environment is encouraged.
unwelcome behaviors
The following behaviors have been identified as unwelcome at the
Sanctuary at any time:
Possession of any kind of gun at the Sanctuary is unacceptable.
Guns are dangerous and unnecessary at Kawashaway. Hunting is not allowed
at Kawashaway. Toy guns are discouraged.
Physically striking or in any way assaulting people or things (other
than your own possessions) is unacceptable. The following are also
considered violent: intimidation; stalking; defacing or destroying
objects, nonconsensual sexual behavior; verbal, sexual, and emotional
abuse. Violence is not tolerated against plants, animals, facilities,
or the land. Consensual S & M activity should not be construed
as violent.
Taking things that belong to others, or which belong at the Sanctuary,
is not acceptable. If you want something, ask; anything else is dishonest
and disrespectful.
Forest fire is a danger anywhere in the North Woods. Open fires
are not allowed at campsites.
doin’ it for ourselves
A smoothly functioning gathering takes work — before, during
and afterwards. You can expect to spend an hour or two each day, taking
care of things other than your faerie self. It could be preparing dinner
or cleaning, building a fire or beauty maintenance, running a workshop
or hosting an event.
The more experienced help the less experienced learn how things
get done. When all are aware that there’s water to be pumped
and carried, onions and wood to be chopped, and songs to be sung for
the pumpers and the choppers, the basic needs of all can be met in
a spirit of playful cooperation. Then, work truly is love in action.
a sanctuary deep in the woods
“Kawashaway” is an Ojibwa word said to mean “a
spirit land — no place between”. We feel that the place
is special, that it bridges the spiritual and physical worlds. It is
where bodies and spirits meet and commingle.
The heavily wooded Sanctuary, on a lake in Superior National Forest,
is a wild and rustic land which is home to bears, wolves and loons,
pines and firs, moose, squirrels, wildflowers, Barbie doll shrines,
grouse, and mosquitoes.
Our vision since 1989 has been to preserve the Sanctuary land and
water as a safe place — apart from yet very connected to the
wider world — as a place of emotional and spiritual well-being
for loving, healing, playing, growing, and working in cooperation,
as a community of kindred fae souls.
Presented to you by the 2004 Callgrrrls:
Ehsea, Stella, and Two Bears.