Kawashaway Community Circle Notes Circle Date 3 January 2004 @ Stella's Place, Minneapolis
Braeburn* ,
Miracle, Eureka , Stella*, Kiva, H*, Teddy
Bear* and TwoTurtltes* (*Stewards in bold quorum of Stewards are present) No one is in drag so it really doesn't represent a Circle of the Radical Faeries.
Books GLBT archives at the University of Minnesota needs a book, Stellla donated one to PGFLAG, Out for Youth Group in Duluth Miracle now has them at his office We bought 350 no inventory system yet established Finance report H 1 st 3 quarters of 2003 Last circle at Labor Day, Kawashaway Frankie Fundraiser Plan for proposal for Memorial Day Gathering at Kawashaway Steward commitments no annual one at Gathering Commitment forms? Duties of secretary and finance diva post to yahoo minutes Braeburn volunteer to be co-treasurer with H Eureka, Braeburn, H are signers on the credit union account TwoTurtles will be secretary, minute taker at circles. Discussion of refilling of non-profit Secretary of State documents. Usually comes in December, nothing received lately. H would like to see someone take responsibility for calling circles. H more ongoing involvement in community and Kawashaway Proposal needed to move toward doing the pantry improvement. ( Eureka volunteered to put out call for proposal) Other improvements: Road needs to be finished estimated cost to finish improvement ???? Teddy Bear volunteered to oversee the moving forward of that project. Bath House Proposal and design needed. TwoTurtles volunteered to oversee the moving forward of this capital improvement. Will, Eureka , White Dragon, Scooter, TwoTurtles, H, Xeno, Pollen, A discussion that we should be spending the money for improvements rather than having it just sit in the bank. H wants to see us focus more on general maintenance - well (water projects), bog walk, Pollen had a list of things that need to be done good resource to revisit what he believes are general maintenance projects that need to be addressed. Kiva will email Pollen and follow through on creating a list for general maintenance requirements. Discussion of setting up Yahoo list serve announcement to keep us on track with quarterly circle calling. Stella will be in contact with White Ash to set this up. TwoBears is willing to send out announcements snail mail to those not receiving list serve announcements Long term capitial improvement: Old cabin replaced or improved. Planning needs to start now. Electricity project should be part of the discussion (stella). 4 seasons use should be addressed as we move forward with the projects, planning ( Eureka ). Volunteer needed to address the issue of long-term planning process for the cabin including stove, (Stella volunteered to look into cabin stove issue) Interest in group, but not ready to oversee bringing together planning process Eureka mentioned it should just be an agenda item each circle. H mentioned the need for bigger picture landuse committee Kiva mentioned it be combined with general mainteance discussions. Long-term land use planning should be a part of all steward circles called. BearBerry has mentioned in past to be part of landuse discussion and planning, so has Will, TwoTurtles, Eureka, Teddy Bear. Book Discussion Inventory count What do we want to do with book? community value? Fundraiser? Consensus from Asase Yaa conversation: should be cheap, often donated, and easily assessable. MHS, GLBT Historical Society, Donate sticker needed for books (Stella creating sticker) 50 books set aside for donations from Northwoods Radical Faeries list created to keep track of those donations. Packing materials available at Miracle's office for minimum fee Consensus on $10 suggested, $5 minimum to cover cost Delivery from the 50 for donations is up to the person making the donations Miracle will maintain list of books going out with suggested pricing Idea to set aside books for other sanctuaries to use as fund raisers for auctions, ( Eureka ) Memorial Day Gathering Proposal being submitted by Eureka , White Ash, White Dragon, and Glamour Boy Queer spirit gathering, Thursday Monday of memorial weekend, workshops, local teachers, chem. free, Work stuff will be coordinated by Eureka for a work weekend perhaps the weekend before. . . No objections to the gathering, Advertising for gathering RFD, probably not a full-on call, details to be decided in next few weeks by Eureka , White Ash and White Dragon Frankie Fundraiser Update by H on Frankie and his lymphoma cancer January 17 th , fundraising dance in St. Cloud Other events have had jars set out for financial support Proposal by Miracle Kawashaway matching fundraiser up to $250 mail-in donations , e.g. up to $250, $300 or $500 put it on list serve could either send directly to Frankie, or mail it to Kawashaway Mailed to Miracle, written to kawashaway, up to $500 matched my kawashaway, one check sent to Frankie. Submitted
by Two Turtles |