Kawashaway Community Circle Notes


Circle Date

February 21, 2004 at Kawashaway
12 noon (ish) Teddy's pad, up the hill in Duluth

Future Circle Date

March March 27th @ noon Waterlilly's
111 A West Island Avenue


Two Bears,* Waterlilly*, H*, Kiva, Plln*, Braeburn Blue*, Glen, Teddy Bear*, Stella*, E!ureka (7 *Stews…quorum OK)

Report by East Hillside gay association: Dinner Menu, recruiting for new members. Teddy is excited and glad to have us as his guests.


+ Spirit Gath Proposal

+ Plln residency update/land update

+ Pantry proposal

+ Spring road repairs

+ Further survey/buffer land acquisition

+ Stella asking about last meetings minutes about hir


Spirit Gath proposal: E!

+ Positive support, questions about what chem Free space means.

“woohoo' go for it.

seed money? Yes $500. More later as separate request if needed.

Checking acct – OK. To have new one at CCFCU (same signators as other subs accts)

Community will org work weekend before

Paypal to be discussed later with Korb

Plln – land report…'everything is frozen'

Water lines will need to be flushed in spring, well working fine

No humans seem to be visitng land this winter (not since Apple & ‘Cider in Dec)

No debris shelter this winter for Plln

Plln reluctant to say that this winter reflects how future winter use would look

We did not schlep muchn to cabin this winter, cabin cook stove still not working

Old wood is either burned or mush, new wood is frozen/not too useable this winter. Plln is hoping to harvest new deadfall for lola-trix and firecircle wood (save delivered wood for cook/barrel stove).

Maintenance: (Plln's brainstormed list)

Trails/open spaces, bogwalks, docks, driveway

Machines chainsaw, generator, mower, chipper-shredder, weedeater (s?)

Buildings – cabin, teahouse, screenhouse (do we include outhouses in building list)

Gas and water lines

Stoves. Lola Trixie, Pump

Propane tanks

When we met in Hinkley talk was about a stew or 3 who keep an eye on maintenance (not resp to fix, just to look for repairables and get helpers)

Yahoo ‘toolbox' may or may not be working…need to check non-administrator access (WA?). If we make use of an online list, could there be a contact/admin person to keep it current?


Grid - maintenance ‘mileage chart' (like car manual) - would help keep us on schedule…also contact infos (repair places, etc) Maint grid could be on line (also on-land Log book just for Mainteneance) Glovebox on the land – the place where the grid LIVES at KaSa. (Plln E! to make grid at Wk Wknd)

Also, repository of things like chainsaw manuals, repair receipts??

Teddy willing to make some day trips to haul stuff to KaSa this summer.

Small group can come back to future circle with feedback.


Stella still interested in working on cook stove maintenance issues. Looking to get info, Goal of having stoves work for Memorial Day weekend (ovens in screen house, all of cabin stove) Blue knows a commercial stove specialist in Grand Marais…

-- should we look for a new stove for the sceen house??


Work weekend: May21st weekend

Bog walk repairs

Stove tune up

Water lines and holding tanks flush and sterilize

Cabin stove needs special flue parts

(possible source of free stoves at Nicollet Island )

Cut deadfall (chainsaw)

Major cabin cleanup

Lola Trixie repairs?

Gravel/fill for driveway – prune trees, pry rocks (can Teddy find a new gravel hauling company?) 2 loads plus reserve pile.

Pantry (committee is E!, Stella, Scooter so far, others are welcome contact E!)

Insulate floor?

Scab on to make footprint a tad bigger?

One door with window/screen to save bullshit (heavy duty)

Haul materials in after thaw

2-5 K $ budget

Igloos OK, make space multi-function, coolers easy to clean

Shelves high enough to fully open the coolers in place

(shelves big enough to be part time bunks)

Side discussion: tea house do we want to find a new stove? Two Bears will look at prices, options (stove pipe size)

Gutters for pantry, scullery and screen house.

Lynn is having additional survey work done for his side. If we can resolve soon what land we want to buy now is the time so it can be re-surveyed.

Lynn is looking to us to guide the discussion on how much we want to buy., then he will maybe make an offer.

15 foot setback is legal…plus 13.5 foot encroachment so we need to get minimum 28.5 foot swath.

Plln will make the conversation happen.


Group consensed to authorize Plln to offer on our behalf to buy 50 foot strip from Lynn . We think this is 2/10ths to 1/3 acre, and we are willing to pay in the $10,000/acre price range – or 20 to 25 cents per square foot (so $2-3,000 for the land would be our goal). Agreed to spend up to 4,000. Project proposal accepted. H Braeburn and Eureka are separately auth to sign the check and a contract with Lynn to buy. It is still our expectation to circle again before finalizing, but we want ot give Lynn the opportunity to act quickly.

Forward to Next Circle

Work weekend task assigning

Gathering planning ctte (aug gath )

Buffer buying

Spirt gath update

Steward commitments

Pantry update


Farther in the Future projects: wood shed

Action Items

Action Faerie Accountable Due Date
post notice of next circle H  
2Bears contacted to notify snail mailers WLilly  


Notes by the E! channel.

