Kawashaway Community Circle Notes


Circle Date

October 13, 2004 – E!ureka's lovely house, Mpls.

Future Circle Dates

November Saturday, November 20, 2004 H's, Duluth
December TBD  


Tallgrass, E!ureka*, Miracle, White Ash, Ehsea
(One Steward - no quorum this time)

* indicates Steward


  • Database cleanup and communications
  • Faerie book report
  • Woodcutter's
  • Financial Report

New Business

  • Communications/Bylaws

Miracle came to the meeting wanting to discuss communications. There are plans to do an annual mailing in January where we would ask people to opt-in to the list. White Ash says there is information we capture about people (name, address, etc.) and it would help to have it verified every year. We would also like to have them respond so we can choose if they want to get mailings about everything or just about specific/special events (gatherings, etc.). There is a push to change to database software versus using Excel as a spreadsheet dataset for easier use. In the future, this list may be available on the Internet to members although there are privacy issues that need to be worked out first. An ad-hoc committee/group is going to be set up to discuss new software programs and/or ways of putting together a database and getting it on the net, if possible. Some questions that were asked: what are the priorities of having a mailing list? Priorities for use, what changes do we like, that it be user-friendly. Is e-mail an appropriate way of contacting members for circles?

The Bylaws say that postal mail needs to be out 30 days before the impending meeting. There is a possibility to make bylaw changes at the November 20th meeting in Duluth. The plan is to make multiple changes to the wording of the bylaws, perhaps in January, and make it more current. E! has volunteered to start a bylaws revision committee and will put a call out for more members to assist.

  • Book Report

Miracle reported we still have a bunch of books left (maybe 200 books, 15-20 boxes). He thought H did a mini-inventory in the past. We have committed to send out 50 books to organizations and Miracle thought maybe 10 have already been given out. If you have any ideas of places/organizations who could use a book, please let Miracle know. Klick volunteered to store the books at her house due to Miracle moving his office. The community agreed to sell the books for a $5 donation minimum but if you would like to pay more, that's great. Just keep it in mind that they're available to sell. They make great holiday gifts!

  • Woodcutter's

At the meeting it was discussed that there was no Woodcutter's weekend and some people have expressed an interest in having Thanksgiving up on the land. If that is the case, there needs to be some kind of work weekend between now and then, or alert people that they'll have to arrive early for Thanksgiving to haul wood and stuff in. Someone suggested we ask Plln to tarp the woodpile so the wood doesn't freeze to itself.

Financial Report

There was no financial report.

Agenda for Next Circle

  • Penny and the Quest
  • Personal property at gatherings
  • Additional items TBD

Action Items

Action Faerie Accountable Due Date
Database/Communications Ad-Hoc Committee Call White Ash & Miracle 10/23/04
Call for bi-law Revisions Committee E! 10/04


Submitted by her everlovin' Ehsea
