Kawashaway Community Circle NotesbackCircle DateAugust 07, 2007 – On the Land during Gathering Next Circles
Those PresentEhsea*, Falling Star, Braeburn Blue, Ty, Scooter, Mecca*, Plush, Steve, Oni*, Kiva, Porshe, Mantis, White Ash*, Phoenix, Randy, Flaming Salamander, Panther, Miracle, Bloomin’ Lilac, Peat Moss, Tealeaf, Gleeman, Wolfe, Teddy Bear, Two Bears*, Tallgrass, TaDaah, Two Turtles, Jerry, Lark, Fresh, Firefly, Rocky, White Dragon. * indicates Steward (5/9=quorum) AgendaEhsea gave a Treasurer's Reportre: new stove costs, pump costs, taxes being up $25, current savings & CD. Thanks to Kiva, Oni, Mecca, & all who worked on the new stove & well pump. Woodcutters Ball(October 5-8): no wood needs cutting, but chipping needs to be done & spread on trails. Ear protection gear is needed for chipping, and rental of a chipper; also rental of a dumpster for clearing out the old dump on the Land. Everyone is requested to please post to the grouplist if you plan to attend this event. Duluth/Superior Pride(Labor Day weekend): Mayor’s reception, there will be a booth at the festival on Saturday. Sunday, Peace UCC Pride service & breakfast, then a parade in Superior, WI. Housing available in Duluth if needed. Faerie BookMiracle has a few, Klick has most. Cabin ReplacementMuch talked about for many years. What are our values, purposes for a cabin, what do we want to see? Winter use?
Suggested we consult with Camp Destiny & their building project, (on-line info available). Lammas CallRecommended a circle happen towards the end of this Gathering to write Call for next Gathering. Many hands are needed to get the Call out! It’s a community event, it needs to be planned by the community!; not just the Call, but the whole event – preparing the Land, ordering food, planning meals. Lammas Gathering Reportwho’s here, how many, money collected & owed. About half those registered have contributed; half not able. Everyone is encouraged to register as early as they can; more & more folks are registering & doing so early. Early registration is needed because the food order needs to be 3 week before Gathering & it’s been going well, but it could go better. Better knowledge gives us more flexibility & more options to plan better, buy locally, buy organic. We always need to be mindful of our resources & our values around them. Action Items
Submitted by Two Bears back |