Kawashaway Community Circle Notes
Circle Date
August 07, 2008 – Screenhouse, Kawashaway Sanctuary
Next Two Circles
September 21, 2008 @ 2pm – White Ash's, Minneapolis – 3365 St. Louis Ave |
October 19, 2008 @ 1 or 2pm –Duluth |
Drummer, Ehsea*, Eureka*, Mecca*, Miracle*, Nougat, Oni*, Panther, redWing, Teddy Bear*, Thunder, Two Bears*, Wet Dirt, White Ash*, Willow
* indicates Steward (8/15=quorum)
^ indicates Friend
Daisy Shack
Two work weekends had been scheduled in the past with minimal attendance
Decision reached that two long weekends with a minimum of 6-8 people would be needed in order to “rough” the basic structure
- Discussed Labor Day and Columbus Day weekends
- Labor Day weekend posed conflicts due to Twin Ports’ PRIDE Celebration
- Additionally, the weekend of September 26th/27th was discussed
Clearing the parcel
- Brush has been cleared
- Trees remain & must still be cleared
- Blue ribbons have been placed on the larger trees requiring chainsaw clearance
Materials list was compiled
- Three bids in, and although Menards was cheaper, it was decided to go with The Tradesman in Two Harbors in an attempt to keep the business local
- Bid is approximately $2,500.00, although Oni expressed that he was uncertain about the precise dollar amount
Gathering Check-In Discussion
- Food costs up 30%+ over 2007; 2008 expenditures totaling approx. $2,500.00
- Installation of the new & improved Lola, Trixie, & Blanche
- Should Arrival and Departure CHECK-LISTS be created and implemented? They could be laminated for camp, and online as well
- Nougat stated he would post to the NWRadFaes GroupList to have a “meet-and-make-up-lists” get-together
- Slow start getting Moms signed up for meals, but all remaining meals were finally covered
- It was noticed how the ’08 Pantry Divas went above-and-beyond
- Mecca announced the need for an Auctioneer
- White Ash expressed praise at the rhythm of events as spread throughout ’08 gathering
- Having Heart Circle EARLY in gathering went over really well, as it tended to bring people together earlier on. Having Heart Circles after dark also proved to be more popular, as it appeared more conducive to openness/communication
- It was agreed that circles before Brunch and Dinner have been good processes, and well-received
- Agreement that the 1992 video was a blessing, as well as a good historical archive, and might be effective in raising participation (both work and other) by newer attendees
- redWing suggested we consense to having Lammas Gathering, 2009; Teddy Bear concurred
Long-Distance Travel to/from Gatherings
White Ash brought up the fact that calls put out for circles and work weekends had not been very effective.
Discussion ensued that the current, elevated fuel costs affected the ability of most to drive long distances, although some of the key people are either homesteading now, or in the Twin Ports area
The topic of new technologies/electronic presence at circles was brought up. Although not ideal, it may be of assistance in some circumstances. Nougat mentioned he had used free conference calling, and that it was clear and worked well. WhiteAsh & redWing agreed to look into new technologies.
Mecca stated that he and Falling Star had come for a random work weekend three weeks earlier, and stated that Twin Citians—in feeling free to put together a work weekend anytime—only needed to put out a call to Mecca, Oni, and/or Kiva. Mecca went on to state that “Good projects can be done in a day or a weekend!”
Woodcutter’s Ball
- DATES - Columbus Day Weekend, Saturday and Sunday, October 11th/12th, would be the work days. The preceding Friday and following Monday would be transit days
- Winterize the water supply
- Outhouse hole ( hmmm… that’s all E!’s notes said. Insert disgusting commentary here ? )
- Build Daisy Shack (???)
- Clear the downed tree on the swimming dock path
- Dish Covers for the Scullery. The vinyl is already in the screen house
- Foundation work/reinforcement on the screen house, as brought up by Mecca.
- Should a generic Woodcutter’s Task List be created?
The idea of arrival/departure checklists for any/all gatherings came up again; laminated for the land, as well as online.
Nougat stated he would post to the NWRadFae GroupList to meet and make up lists. Miracle stated he owns a laminating machine. Suggestion arose to also have Pantry Lists.
Forward to Next Circle
- It was unclear as to whether or not there was old business from the last meeting, so the suggestion arose to revisit old business as well
- Daisy Shack Update
- Communications to non-Yahoo! Faes
- Lammas, 2008, re-cap
- The possibilities of creating a registration database, which Willow offered to research with a friend who is a database administrator/systems engineer
- The possibility of an online Wiki. White Ash offered to check-into and/or possibly start a Wiki
- Lammas Gathering, 2009
Submitted by Willow (and White Ash)