Kawashaway Community Circle Notes


Circle Date

September 21, 2008 – White Ash's Shackteau, Minneapolis

Next Two Circles

October 19, 2008 @ 2pm – Duluth – tbd (possibly Mecca's?)
November 16, 2008 @ 2pm – Minneapolis – tbd (possibly Miracle's or Scooter's?)


Kiva*, Miracle*, Scooter*, Sterling, Tallgrass*, Willow, Wet Dirt, White Ash*

* indicates Steward (5/15=quorum)

^ indicates Friend


Circle opened with the peaceful, healing, meditative tones from White Ash’s crystal singing bowl.


Daisy Shack ('-Schacteaux)

Scooter stated---although he was uncertain which supplies Oni had already ordered---that:

  1. A pair of doors is available
  2. Some’ windows are salvageable from an existing structure
  3. Type of construction and square footage (10’x16’) had been decided upon

Scooter offered a proposal that the two doors be used as follows:

  1. One for entrance into a storage area at one end of the structure
  2. One as a separate entrance into the sleeping quarters

Miracle passed around Oni’s drawings/mock-ups of the Daisy Shack, and inquired as to which tools were needed, and/or available. Sterling stated that a chain-saw and power nailer would be available. Miracle offered to bring the following food items to the work-weekend:

  1. Breakfast food(s) for both Saturday and Sunday
  2. Fixins for grilled-cheese sam’iches
  3. Chili

Miracle stated there would be 9 or 10 fae-folk at the work weekend of 9-27/28. Kiva inquired if K’way Stewards would be okay with paying for food items. Miracle would be providing. We consensed that the community would pay for foodstuffs for the work weekend.


Kiva spoke about the “Land Use Permit,” stating that procuring it is a much less ominous task than that of a building permit; and that the permit would be filed so as to avoid any problems from the county in the future. He went on to discuss the particulars, stating that land-use concerns involve the structure’s distance from bogs/lakes/wells, etc., and not so much the structure itself, or the building of it. “As far as the ‘code people’ are concerned, it (the Daisy Shack) is a shed.”

  1. He said that Oni had done all the measuring (from water sources), and that
    • Only the platform would be put up during the September work-weekend,
    • The permit was currently a ‘work-in-progress,’ and that
    • The permit would be signed, sealed, & delivered by Woodcutter’s Ball, when the Daisy Shack was expected to be completed

We discussed that since we all preferred calling the Daisy Shack the “Schacteaux,” that we should not only continue using that moniker, but also that we should decide on a spelling. The spelling of the name was agreed to be “ ‘-Schacteaux.” The apostrophe preceding the word would be indicative of the silent, assumed ‘Daisy’ portion of the full name.

Scooter's List

As defined by Scooter: “items that need to be done regardless of the progress made on the ‘-Schacteaux.” It was determined that much of what Scooter had on his list applied to Woodcutter’s Ball. Miracle stated that Scooter’s List should be updated before Woodcutter’s Ball; and should include:

  1. A list of things to be done AT Woodcutter’s Ball
  2. A list of things to be done at the END of Woodcutter’s Ball to basically close-up the land for the season, and prepare it for the next year

Woodcutter’s Ball

Weekend of October 11th & 12th, 2008. Miracle offered to send ‘reminder-of-dates’ e-mails regarding Woodcutter’s Ball, as well as other up-coming events/gatherings/circles. Intention is to complete the ‘-Schacteaux

Communications Update

  • Database / Content Management System (CMS) ~ Willow discussed the meeting he had with friend Matt regarding the possibility of creating a registration application. White Ash brought up “Expression Engine”--an open source, community database/CMS-based website which in theory would have all the capability we have been looking for in maintaining contact list, registrations, etc.-- as a potential tool for that same purpose
  • Gathering 2008 directory ~ Wet Dirt inquired as to whether or not an email address list existed for those at the most recent Lammas Gathering (8/08) Kiva answered Wet Dirt’s question in stating that a list has been in progress, but that computer/technical problems have delayed getting said contact list posted. Kiva went on to state it will be done and posted in the near future
  • nwradfaesCircle ~ White Ash announced that the nwradfaesCircle list is available for archival / research purposes, but is no longer functioning for sending out messages. Therefore, we no longer have a "circle-specific” email list. The only list we have now is the nwradfaes Yahoo!Group one.
  • Liza (Wiki) ~ White Ash discussed the Wiki, stating it could be a resource, a “how-to,” a reference, and an historical archive. He introduced everyone to “LIZA,” Supreme Orga-Lizer ~ the community's new Wiki. He and redWing are setting up the structure so others (anyone) can contribute as with ‘Wikipedia.’ They envision future ‘Wiki-nights’ at Vera’s where those with lap-tops could hang out like a knitting circle and contribute to the Wiki.
  • Meeting Remotely ~ Discussed folks attending Community Circles remotely for free via ‘SKYPE’ as a possible conferencing tool. It does not have multiple video capability, but may work well for the remote audio-conferencing of future circles.

Lammas, 2008 Recap

Kiva inquired about the ‘financials’. Scooter responded that checks had been deposited. White Ash brought up wording possibilities in the parameters for gathering; i.e.: non-possession or use of firearms or illicit substances on the property, etc. Tallgrass called White Ash a “Dummy-Butt” when White Ash proposed amusing wording for the Gathering Calls & parameters. A good laugh was had by all.

Lammas 2009

  • White Ash said that Lily has volunteered to be Pantry Diva again for the 2009 Lammas Gathering (hip hip hooray!!)
  • Tallgrass brought up the idea of putting out a ‘seasonal’ gathering call brochure next year; one that would go out earlier in the year, so as to include the June Spirit Gathering, as well as the August Lammas Gathering. Consensus amongst those in attendance was that it was a good idea. Scooter suggested discussing it in further detail at the beginning of the year, possibly at January Circle.
  • Miracle reminded those in attendance that consensus was needed to confirm there would BE a Lammas 2009 Gathering. All attending agreed, and consensus was reached; Lammas 2009 is a “GO!”
  • Scooter suggested we consider election a Chair and Co-Chair (or facilitators &/or delegators) to coordinate events for up-coming gatherings; in particular, for Lammas, 2009 White Ash suggested calling them “Dada-Lizers” (has "bedazzler energy).

Forward to Next Circle


  • Possibility of future land purchase
  • Discussion on posting circle notes (i.e.: not posting $$-fiances-$$)


  • Land purchase


Circle closed with merriment & mirth


Submitted by Willow
