Kawashaway Community Circle Notes


Circle Date

December 15, 2009 – Willow's, Minneapolis

Next Two Circles

Sunday January 17, 2009 – Duluth – location TBA
Sunday February 27, 2009 – Annual Circle, Minneapolis – location TBD


Braeburn Blue*, John, Panther, Snake, wEtDiRt*, White Ash*, Wolfnip*

* indicates Steward (4/17= almost quorum)



Snake grounded us with a fabu poem he wrote.

Enjoyed the wonderful foods on the table by Host Willow.

November Land report

SNAKE says = The Land is still there, and was quite beautiful over his four day working visit during his Thanksgiving Weekend. He cleared up to 15 trees either fallen or soon to fall over paths. Cleared from princess path, and a cedar tree down on the east swim dock walkway. discussion of replacing the east swimming dock with a new dock, ask Kiva and Lilly for estimates for materials/blue drums, etc.

  • east dock access walkway needs repair. 40 cedar boards 6-8” wide X 50” long
  • main bog walk needs 60 of the 304 top boards replaced. 6-8” wide by 50” long
  • plus miscellaneous hardware, nails, underneath walkway logs or supports.

A May 2010 work weekend is needed = six workers and two moms for meals. Material or Lumber access to local lumber mill as Oni had gotten for us in previous projects, or purchase from a new UBC or other Lumber provider up North, saving on gas expenses either we pick up or getting lumber delivered to the land at Kasa. asking for 100 plus cedar bog walk flooring planks, 6-10” wide X 50” long

Snake says there is plenty of firewood logs available already strewn about our land, cut them up, and make piles to dry in woods and then bring up to clearing for uses.

Wolfnip wants to Chainsaw NAKED

the bog walk under or support logs for the May work weekend.

ALERT: Salamander’s ongoing campsite has a tree dangerously overhanging exactly where his tent has usually been.

Snake says in reverie, he is writing a poem about our venerated lake’s first freezing, sounded like a quiet song and the next evening, a deeper audio tone emanated because the ice was gaining thickness.

Land Purchase

White Ash report from the Land Purchase Circle: the LPC wanted to ask the attendee’s at the Jan Community Circle to consense to the potential bid $numbers spread from $?????.00 to $?????.00 so that they can prepare a purchase offer.** This circle agreed that it would be better to achieve consensus* during the Annual Circle so as to have as many faes in attendance for this important community consensus on the min. / max bid amount commitment by our community. So the Land Purchase Circle can indeed go to the banker with the full support of our community and the commitment that entails to come up with the committed dollar amount via a mortgage or purchase process if accepted by the buyers.

It was again noted that there have been at least 2 prospective buyers looking at the property in recent months. So there is some sense of urgency on us to make an offer.

in review:

  • the Circle last year at Mecca’s consensed to going ahead to form the Land Purchase Circle and start the fundraising.
  • An agreement to dedicate 30% annual net monies from both Spirit Gathering and Lammas Gathering committed towards this land purchase.
  • if we end up not being able to purchase the land, any fundraised $ will be put to use in the general fund for Kasa repairs or maintenance (bogwalks, cabin replacement structures, etc.).
  • A December Thank You e-mail will be sent out to all who have already made a commitment, and
  • a request for end of year 2009 contributions. If you chose, you may go to the Land Purchase page on our Kawashaway.org website for directions as to how to make a FCD ( Fairy Camp Destiny) tax deductible donation for Kasa land purchase. (make your check out to "FCD" and mail it directly to Ehsea)
  • The pledges and contributions coming in would cover our thumbnail guesstimate for monthly loan payments.

*Clarification by WA and others about the meaning of quorum for for circle (attendance = 25% and min 3 Stews), quorum for changing Bilaws (attendance = 33% and min 3 Stews) usually with all Stews consensing to whatever decision, and Blocking option by a steward, who must offer another option, and mentoring to some in the circle about fae consensus decision making. Bilaws are on the Pink Pages.

** note ~ as with all financials, we are not posting numbers on the website. To find out what our proposed offer figures are, contact a Land Purchase Circle Grrrrl [Augury, Eureka, Lilly, Rocky, Scooter, White Ash, Wolfnip], or come to a Land Purchase or Community Circle.

Mystery Gifts

Braeburn’s donated cards were signed by all. They will be present at the Solstice gathering Sunday night. WA will get mystery gifts from Ehsea and mail them to the mysterious ones with signed cards.

Jan Circle & February Annual Circle

  • We still need a volunteer host for the Jan. 2010 circle to be held in Duluth.
  • We also have to figure out a location to rent for the Feb. Annual Community Circle. Possible suggestion, Roadky'all's Space may not be free, and he may be in New Orleans.
  • See next agenda item for next year's schedule.

Upcoming Circle Schedule

Sunday November 15, 2009 @ 2pm ~ Wet Dirt / Wolf Nip

Tuesday December 15, 2009 @ 7pm ~ Willows

Sunday January 17, 2010 @ 2pm ~ Duluth (TBA Hummingbird's or Mecca's)

Sunday February 21, 2010 @ 2pm ~ Minneapolis (TBA) ~ ANNUAL CIRCLE!

Sunday March 21, 2010 @ 2pm ~ Duluth (TBA)

Tuesday April 20, 2010 @ 7pm ~ Minneapolis (Sterling's or Thunder's place)

Sunday May 16, 2010 @ 2pm ~ Kawashaway

Tuesday June 15, 2010 @ 7pm ~ Duluth (TBA)

Sunday July 18, 2010 @ 2pm ~ Minneapolis (TBA)

Tuesday August 10 @ 7pm ~ Kawashaway


Submitted by Braeburn Blue
