Kawashaway Community Circle Notes


Circle Date

Tuesday June 15, 2010 – WA's pad, Minneapolis

Next Two Circles

Sunday, July 18 – TBA – Duluth – Mecca? Can you host?
Sunday August 8th, Kawashaway at Lamas Gathering


Lilly of the Valley of the Dolls*,Oni*, Rocky*,Sterling*, White Ash*, Thunder

* indicates Steward (5/15=quorum)

Follow up on Action Items from Last Circle

None from May, these items are from the April Circle – we are trying to be better about following up on these items and being accountable to the community.

Action Faerie Accountable Due Date
Garage Sale Location wEtDiRt/Wolf – From April Circle? Are we still able to have this at your house? warm weather
Helping People Feel Welcome Circle Augury – From April Circle – Time and date to be determined before and / or at Lammas


Land Purchase/Fundraising Update

We have gotten a Lawyer – Davis is her name (partner of Smitten Kitten owner). She will be representing us for the offer and getting the necessary documents done for us (Tenancy In Common, Purchase Agreement, Promissory Note), about 10 hours of work at a great discount for us. A call to the landowners was made about the purchase, we don’t have an update as of this writing. White Ash and E! are taking the lead on this and will update the community.

We have 3 faerie bond holders and are looking for a 4th. Interested? Contact E!.

Fundraising – We had a conservation about a Fundraiser for the Land Purchase in the fall, possible beer bust / show at the Saloon. Thunder will follow up with the bar and get back to the community about possible dates in the fall….Sept/Oct after Lammas Gathering.

Also discussed Garage Sale and follow up with wEtDiRt/Wolf about hosting and Lilly looking into AGCMCC church parking lot.

LAMMAS – 2010 A Space Oddity

Call – Has been printed, and folded and is ready to mail out once the labels get printed etc etc.

Food – Menu is planned, lists are made, we just need to go shopping, which will be happening in July at Costco and then an order from the co-op in Grand Marie.

DISCO Party – A space ODD-ITY on Wednesday night 8/11

Circles /Stewards/Action Items

Oni brought up to the group about the change in the location of the circle. The circle was planned to be in Duluth and needed to be changed because of lack of a place. This was done very last minute this month, instead of the prerequisite 30 days per our Bi Laws. This conversation  led into a discussion about Stewards needing to be at at least 50% of the Community Circles, and needing to have better communication with the rest of the group about if you are attending the circle. Lilly volunteered to send an email out to the Stewards about this,  follow up with them about communication. We also discussed setting the dates and times of Community Circles for the next 12 months at Lammas, and getting this out to the community.  

The conversation then changed into a discussion about action items being called out in circle notes. Action items remind us of who agreed to do what and when. They keep us all accountable. At each Community Circle, we can discern which action items have been completed. If not finished, the action item can be carried over to the next Community Circle. It's not about shaming, it's about accountability, and our herstory indicates that staying on top of action items makes for smoother communication, process, flow, etc. At any point, as a community, we can decide to stop carrying certain action items through, if they are no longer valid or just never seem to happen.

SPIRIT Gathering

Update from White Ash. New annual schedule: 1st - 6th of July. Tallgrass is doing food. Miracle 612-721-5851 is registrar and ride coordinator. We will take on Loon Counting for DNR. Since it will now be held starting on July 1st and over the 4th holiday, there will be a celebration of Faerie Interdependence. Lots of events / workshops already in the mix:

  • Flake Salon (this will likely include tarot, so if you have a personal deck you may bring it) - Augury
  • Oracle - Phoenix
  • Labyrinth - Sky
  • InterPlay: Story Telling - redWing
  • Dancing to Nature - Cicada
  • Life/Figure Drawing (you may want to bring a sketch pad and drawing tools) Peregrine
  • Music - Monkey
  • Loon Counting
  • Pretty-Ugly Pajama Party with facial mask - Phoenix
  • Flag Making (this will need materials, suggestions included pillow cases or sheets cut up into flags, natural dyes including beets, onions, cabbage, other?)
  • Fire Circle
  • Counting to 10
  • Interdependence Ritual

Financial Report

No Financial update.

Forward to Next Circle

  • All items accounted for

Action Items

Action Faerie Accountable Due Date
Saloon Fundraiser Thunder July Circle
Garage Sale Follow up with WetDrit/Wolf & AGCMCC parking lot Lilly July Circle
Stewards Contact/Circle Follow up Lilly end of June


Submitted by Lilly of the Valley of the Dolls
