Kawashaway Community Circle NotesbackCircle DateWednesday January 19, 2011 – Bi-Location ~ WA's in Mpls & SkyMecca's in Duluth Next Two Circles
PresentLilly of the Valley of the Dolls*, Mecca*, Oni*,wEtDiRt*, White Ash*, Sky, Teddy Bear * indicates Steward (5/13=quorum) Duluth was coming off a steak and shrimp dinner with champagne and caviar. Mpls had a Mockamole made from beans with cornchips (=allergen). You be the judge. This was the first time we tried bi-locating via Skype. It was not 100% embraced. There's a need to speak loudly, and some requests for repeating. It creates an us vs. them dynamic. It is impossible to pick up on all non-verbal cues. That said, it made it easier for folks to meet on a weekday night, gave wEtDiRt tons of vamping opportunities, and reduced our carbon footprint. We decided that for some Circles in challenging weather months, it could be adequate. Preference is to not make big decisions via Skyped Circle. AgendaFinanical ReportEhsea submitted. Land Purchase UpdateOffer has been made, and follow-up call placed by our lawyer Davis. They are notoriously very slow to respond. Land Purchase grrrlz met at the end of Jan. Referring to the 5-year budget plan, we suggest prioritizing Sanctuary projects (cabin, bogwalk, yurt'ish structure[s]) over land purchase. Idea: purchase 1/2 greenhouse for storage while Cabin comes down. White Ash is connecting with an artist / jewler (knows Klick & Braeburn Blue) who builds gorgeous yurts. Possible to contract him to overview project while we do the work. WA setting up date to go to his place in Mpls to visit his yurts and get to know him better ~ will make general announcement inviting Community members along if they like. Annual CircleSaturday Feb 19
Website Contact InfoSeveral Stewards feel it would be desirable to create a more generic email address for our website, like BlowYourSkirtUp@Kawashaway.org, that forwards to a couple / three Stewards, and asking Two Bears if he wants to be part of that list. Whoever responds first does a "reply all" so we know the person has been contacted back. Oni said he would be willing to be one of the people on the forward list. CanopyIs at Miracle's. Store there until MayDay for tabling. Bring up to Land after. Future Circle DatesWe felt the 19th was not working. Also, the floating dates from the year before did not seem to produce the results we thought they might. We talked about returning to regularity of the 3rd Sunday of the month. That looks something like this:
Want to check in with what works for folks @ Annual Circle. Forward to Next Circle
Action Items
Submitted by Lilly & White Ash back |