Kawashaway Community Circle NotesbackCircle DateTues July 17, 2012 – Scooter's, Minneapolis Next Two Circles
PresentEhsea*, Lilly*, Raising Gaze, Rocky*, Scooter*, Sidthe*, Snake*, wEtDiRt*, White Ash*, Zucchini * indicates Steward (8/10=quorum) We sat out on the 2nd story porch and drank thirst-quenching beverages. AgendaLammas
Hard Long WoodSnake knows of buliding in St. Paul from which we can obtian massive amounts of Birdseye Maple floorboards & Douglas Fir floor joists, if we like. He has gotten permission for the faeries. Must be removed on 28th of July. We just need to supply person power. Can be stored in his garage. Agreeing to help / show up were: Ehsea, White Ash, wEtDiRt, Raising Gaze?, (guesstimate needing two more definites) The energy seemed to be that if we had a specific idea of what to do with these materials on the land, we would jump on this. However, with the Cabin coming down now and our thought of going a year or two without a structure in the permaculture way, the timing is not lined up. So we're going to pass on this lovely opportunity rather than risk a lot of work that possibly ends up going next to nowhere. Drats!! RFDDoing well with imagery, prose (+ a couple songs). Would like more article-like writing. 20 July is our hard deadline. {from WA ~ if you are still interested, even after deadline, please let me know} Work WeekendSeveral ideas to discuss for one / some upcoming work weekends (including Woodcutters Ball):
Spirit Gath
Community Outreach
Veggie BuswEtDiRt left, so we tabled this item. MondaysFae Café happening every Mon in July at Seward Coop (not Café!) eatery area 7-9pm Financial ReportEhsea provided a financial report. Expenses since last report:
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Submitted by White Ash, sweating from all this hard long wood talk... back |