Kawashaway Community Circle Notes



Circle Date
Sat., August 29, 2015 – E!s apt., Minneapolis

Next Two Circles
Sun. 4 October, 11:00 am. – Scooter's house, Minneapolis

Sun. 10 January, 11:00 am. – Lilly's pad, Minneapolis

E!ureka*, Ehsea*, Rocky, Lilly, Snake*, White Ash, Finger, Slippery Elm, Jordan, Scooter, Raising Gaze
* indicates Steward (3/5=quorum)

I. Who is/isn't a Stew - Pink pages list Ehsea, Kiva, Eureka, Snake, Scooter
Declaring - Rocky, Lilly, Teddy Bear
Action: Oni (and co-KORF)?
There is no named Keeper of the Royal Dish
Ehsea is Keeper of the Royal Beads
Scooter Keeper of the Royal Fabric

II. Yahoo Group & Facebook
Things get posted on one or the other at times. Can we shut the moribund Yahoo circle (no postings since 2008).
We could start a googlegroup. Is it more user friendly. Do not have to have google account to be a member (can't admin if not on gmail). Has calendar function, invites for events. Invitation type service could use our contact lists.
No options are totally secret/private.
251 FB people signed up. Yahoo list has quite a few stale addresses. If we migrate to google, can we keep a Facebook info page that redirects ppl to google?
Faerie names on Facebook?
Newbie perspective: Yahoo grp has been informative about meetings, gathering, etc. FB has seemed to be photos, fun, extra page.
Faerie accountable: Lilly will investigate googlegroups and report back at next circle. Try a dummy group, etc.

III. Finance Report
Ehsea shared report ~ we are in good standing. CD coming due next month, renew? Yes. 2 years (will auto renew)
Other CD renews in Feb. Reported on last year's ungathering net.
a. Ungathering 2015 ~ Scooter reported ~ we made some profit.  23 people attended, 8 paid. But the expenses don't include propane, taxes, etc. So gatherings don't per se break even, or may not. We are not actively increasing our fund base these days. Taxes were a bit less than $700 this year.
b. Insurance Scooter made inquiries and did not find a very affordable renewal. Can we get legal opinion on what having liability ins on the land protects for the stews? Could we get D&O whether we have land insurance or not? Last Premium Offer was approx $660 for land cover. Several stews felt strongly that we need to get our insurance situation resolved.
Actions: 1. What do other sanctuaries do? 2. Contact an insurance agent. 3. Lawyer consult. Willing to pay for a consult on liability and D&O. 4. Event insurance? Eureka can contact Davis, an atty we have used before. Scooter and Lilly would come along for the meeting w/ Davis. White Ash can check with Quorum for an ins agent once we meet with Davis. FYI - Dawn was our Am. Family agent.
"Communal campground for a lodge."

V. Socializing/Circleizing in the cities
Raising Gaze willing to focalize some social gatherings. Will locate a talisman. Leather & Latte? Common Roots has a community room that we might request. L&L has a basement community room as well (accessible? Main floor is). Weekly or once a month?
Cockettes event - Oct 8th W.A. is going (also playing other nights). ASL interpreting? Morningwood is working on costuming for the show.
Kinsey Sicks - dragapella group. Sept 28/29. $25 tickets, may sell out quick.
Faerie White Elephant party - December?

VI. Annual Circle & other Community Circle dates
When is the best time for it? Late April to have critical mass for summer projects and gathering. Used to be more of a checkin about the year and a visioning time. Has become more of a biiiiig business circle. Make two distinct pieces - checkin, social, vision. Then business circle.
Heart and spirit and visioning parts have tended to fall away in recent years. Full day/retreat type format. Retreats help build relationships, hard at biz-only circles.
If we circle 2-3 times before April then we'll have less urgent biz in April. Also move (back) to more committee-ish work. We've had a land committee before, re-start it?
Philly - heart circles and then brain circles. Space for things to be done, if you are more into heart or social, make two spaces. Philly has a Feb urban gatherette as well - a couple hundred ppl participate in various locations over the time of the gatherette. RG observing that in some ways we function well.
Sun. 4 October, 11:00 am. Scooter's house.
Sun. 10 January 11:00 am. Lilly's pad.

VII. Labor Day weekend
Not sure anyone is setting intention to go for Labor Day.
Woodcutters will be Oct 10-12th. Several faes intending to go.

Submitted by E!ureka
