Kawashaway Community Circle Notes
April 30, 2017 Annual Circle
In Attendance
Rocky - Steward
Scooter - Steward
Raising Gaze - Steward
Who are the Stewards
History Project
Outreach and Events
Thoughts on Sharing Kawashaway with other groups
Gathering dates
Other things
Deep thoughts
Paid property tax in April 2017
Spirit Gathering Funds
Moved to ask Ehsea to move Sprit Gathering Funds into the Land Purchase Account
Current Stewards
Raising Gaze - Secretary
Scooter - President - The Keeper of the Big Nothing
Ehsea - Treasurer - Keeper of the Royal Beads
Plan to transition out of Yahoo
Google group in beta stage - Xander and Rocky working on this
Need to take photos out of Yahoo - Xander and Rocky working on this
Raising Gaze to talk with Xander about moving the website to Google
Could we make a members only section for photos and notes using Google?
Is there a non-profit section on Google Business?
History Project
Items scanned
What do we want to do with archive
Could be another weekend of archiving and discussing
Outreach and Events
Coffee and Tea
7 - 10 new people have come
Continuing on 3rd Wednesday of the Month
Will be held at Music and Movies in the Parks during the summer
Thoughts on Sharing Kawashaway with other groups
Northwoods Kennel Club - Interested in coming to Kawashaway
Witches group interested in coming to Kawashway
Possibly part of fee would be for someone to open and close the land (think gas, check-in, check-out, contact person)
Scooter is going to touch base with the people who are interested and may pilot a run with the Witches group and find someone to be the check- in and out person
Scooter to check with insurance on coverage with sharing land with other groups
Gatherings and Ungathering
Gatherings have planned food and programming and are set on certain dates
Ungatherings have no planned food or programming and are set on certain dates
There are no formal gatherings or ungatherings planned as of yet
If someone wants to plan a gathering or ungathering then please let the Stewards know through the Yahoo group
If you want to plan a gathering then think long weekends, land work weekends, traditional dates we did things like August 4 - 14th with a focus on the weekends, or other possibilities for gatherings and ungatherings
Northwoods Radical Faerie Heart Circles
One in the cities and one in the north
Pre-pride circle at Loring Park on Thursday June 22nd at 6 PM at the Circular flower garden near the bridge - no food or drink served but those coming are welcome to bring something to eat and/or drink
Steward Circle
Wednesday July 12th at 7 PM at Scooters
Submitted by Raising Gaze