Sanctuary Governance Docs
We acknowledge our desire to have a community full of the vibrancy and
constructiveness that result from intention and accountability. Lacking
a formal process (at this moment) to set community-wide intentions for
our vision and accountabilities for our actions, we nevertheless feel
we need a process to provide for these two values in the ongoing projects
we engage in at Kawashaway.
The Project Proposal process will be used when Kawashafaes want to undertake
any project which:
• requires spending Kawashaway funds of $500 or more
~ or ~
• involves changes or additions to the land.
In addition, there may be other projects which the Stewards and Friends
decide should go through the process at their discretion.
- Faerie/faeries get a light under their panties and want to do something.
They circle, they meet, they have an idea.
- They complete a Project Proposal form and contact the Keeper of the Royal Beads so
it can get on the agenda of the next Community Circle.
If there isn’t a Circle soon enough for the proposal to be considered,
one will be called within 30 days. These faeries might also talk to a
few Stewards first to get feedback on the plan and advice
on what should be in the proposal.
- At the Circle, the Project is discussed and consensed, or not. The
budget will be consensed to, and a Steward will be assigned to serve the project
team’s Coordinatrix as liaison.
Project Questions
Please include in the proposal for your project the following items and
answer all the questions below.
Project name:
Coordinatrix (who is in charge/who will we hold accountable):
Project team (who is helping):
Projected date of completion:
Total funds requested:
Complete description of the project (proposals that will impact the land
should include photographs or drawings that show what the proposed changes
will look like, and consider the impact on the land that can’t be seen
with the eyes):
Budget (materials and services needed should have written estimates at
the time of presentation to the Circle—no exceptions):
Other community resources needed (Gatherettes, people, etc.):
How does this project contribute to the community and the land? How does
it call faeries forth to be more who they are? Is the community on board
with this at the level they are needed?
What accountabilities will the project team commit to? For what does it
need the Stewards and/or community to be accountable?
Anything else?