process, process Are you interested in collaborating on the architecture, design, and content of this website? If so, please contact me (White Ash). Wouldn't it be cool if this site co-creatively got revamped by several bruthusistuhs? I would love to hear from someone(s), and together we birth a plan and present it to the wider community. If you like, you can send along ideas, materials, photos, content, etc. that you would like to see on here. AND, this ramblin' paragraph is really about finding collaborators.
My hope is that others in the community will step forward with ideas for design, language, images, the look and feel. I have a fantasy that a core group of us decide the architecture, solicit images and content from the wider community, and that each page or section is designed by a different individual. Ya' game?! Many thanks to the artists who made the images a knockout. To my fellow Call Grrls for such fine inspiration and content. To H for getting PayPal off the ground. To Two Bears who allowed us to plaster his name everywhere. And to Beebalm for programming and level-headedness. Blessings to all!